2023 Scotland – September 23

2023 Scotland – September 23

This morning the sun is shining and its about 45 degrees and I’m up and out in the back/front yard to get some drone footage while the getting is good. I’m still learning some of the tricks of using the drone and I hope to post some of these videos in the next few days.

It’s such a pretty day Jerry and I decide to take a hike around here on a ridge not to far from where we are staying. I also take the drone with us in the hope of getting some nice views up on the ridge. Kathi & Brandi are also taking a walk along the path we trekked on Monday.

The 1st mile or so go pretty uneventful and then we happen upon a group of steers behind a gate directly in our path. One steer happened to be on our side of the gate and he didn’t want to leaves buddies so we decided to take another path. Pheasants seemed to be everywhere we walked and we later saw a pen up on the ridge where there was a Pheasant feeding pen and heard that there was a shoot up there on occasion.

We kind of had a direction and goal on this hike but we found ourselves walking into areas where we had to climb over fences and walk in marshes which because of all the recent rains were wetter than usual. The fern Brackan is very pretty but hell to try to walk through and we find ourselves walking though a ton of it. It’s 4 – 6 feet tall in places and forms a mat that is almost impossible to traverse. Jerry said we traveled places even the sheep wouldn’t go.

Once we finally got to the ruins we couldn’t get to close because the plants growing on the walls were blooming and there were thousands of bees doing their pollinator business. Cool to watch and listen to but we kept our distance.

All in all a pretty nice hike. Jerry and I discussed the differences in hiking in Kentucky VS Scotland. Although I love to hike in Kentucky the biggest difference is that in Scotland the hills & mountains (Munros) lack trees and the water is everywhere and the majestic views are in every direction you look.

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