2018 Lake Tahoe Family Vacation – Day 6

2018 Lake Tahoe Family Vacation – Day 6

Let me start off by saying OUCH OUCH OUCH!

My body hurts all over. Falling, even if its on snow hurts like hell when you get old.

The original plan was for the kids to go skiing this morning and Sharon and I were going to hang here at there resort, do some laundry and do nothing. I even had visions of getting into the hottub and soak my aching muscles. You know what they say about the best laid plans. New plan is go hiking in the morning and then the kids would go to the slopes in the afternoon.

1st suggestion is a trail close to where we went the other day. I looked up the details on that trail and I see its a 10.2 mile strenuous hike that rises over 3000 feet in elevation. HELL TO THE NO! The younger men say we could just go out until we were tired and then turn around. I know how that goes and it would not go well. I use all my persuasion powers, along with whining some, ok a lot and we decide to go to a closer park and do some shorter hikes there. Whew!

We head to the Van Sickle Bi-State Park to begin our hike. It was a beautiful hike and after approximately 2 miles everyone was ready for some lunch. Still sore but the walking did help some.

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There were no slopes hit today.

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